Health Platform
Tong Ren Tang's Life Nourishment: Immunity Enhancement - Lingzhi Jelly with Honey



Strengthening immunity is the best way to protect yourself in order not to fall prey to diseases. Immune system is the first line of defense from infection. Urbanites usually have unhealthy eating habits, sleep deprivation and insufficient exercise, reducing immunity to ward off diseases.

In Shennong Bencaojing, the classic Chinese book on agriculture and medicinal plants, described Lingzhi (also known as Reishi) as a noble herb for strengthening health and preventing disease. Nowadays, it becomes an exquisite ingredient for enhancing immunity. The Lingzhi spore powder is a most welcomed daily intake supplement by working urbanites. It contains high protein, amino acids, Ganoderma triterpenes and Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides. Only the sporoderm-broken spores with the highest nutrient density can easily be absorbed by human body. It is preferable to choose the best lingzhi spore powder processed with an ultra-low-temperature physical vibration wall breaking technology to promote spore breakage rate to over 99%, obtaining optimum efficiency.


Lingzhi Jelly with Honey (蜂蜜灵芝元气糕)



A great healthy confection for the family.


Ingredients: Lingzhi slices 9g, Jiaogulan 7.5g, Huangqi 7.5g, Goji berries 9g, Honey (Q.S.) , Kanten powder (Q.S.)



1. Rinse the ingredients and put into a soup bag, except honey and kanten powder

2. Place the soup bag into the pot and pour in 1,000ml of water.

3. Cook on high heat until boil, turn to low heat and cook for 20 minutes.

4. Remove soup bag and strain the tea (if necessary). *

5. Add kanten powder to mix well.

6. Pour mixture into a container or mold, allow to solidify at room temperature.

7. Add honey to increase the flavour.

*A cup of honey Lingzhi tea is served as an alternative drink with honey added in


Caution: Honey may not be suitable for those with the causes of phlegm & dampness, loss of appetite due to qi deficiency of spleen or prone to diarrhoea.